If i was to have sent you a text message from the Les Savy Fav show last night it might have read something like this:
OMG!! LSF r so fckn awesum!! Les singer is mental - he climbed all over tha balcony @ Gaelic Club + got nekkid. He is fat + bald but all sex. Best gig eva!!
They just announced a show with Pretty Girls Make Graves on a boat cruise on Sydney harbour this Sunday evening. I’m so going. Details on the PopFrenzy website.
Oh and just so you know, i don’t really write texts like that, i’m more of a proper spelling and punctuation kind of a guy.

and we love you all the more for it boud, you correct english grammar whore you.
that…dude. i’m scared.
boudist – i’m scared too.
but now i’m sad that i miss the sav. in a weird “it’d be fun to see spitting blood” kinda way.
Yes it was fun in a sort of ‘what on earth will he do next’ kind of way.
I’ve now got myself a ticket to a boat cruise they’ll be performing on. I’m kinda scared thinking about 4 hours stuck on a boat with a crazy man.
now that you put it that way boud, so am I!
It’s cool, I can call in some favours and cue up an escape boat if things get hairy… and if all else fails, I can swim!