The Kills

The Kills

I saw The Kills play at @Newtown last week and took some photos for Triple J. With dastardly red light for the first three songs it was a little tough, but i tried to make the most of it. At least it matches the colour scheme of my blog.

The Kills
The Kills
Damn Arms Vans Shoe

On an unrelated note you can download some rather good indie rock tunes released this year and have a listen to U.N.K.L.E remixing Queens of the Stone Age (via Take Your Medicine).


  1. I may be weird but i usually like the effect you get from the red lights, and these are no exception! i think they’re great and really powerfull! the third one looks like those cool graffiti prints that people spray everywhere!well done! i would have loved to have seen these guys, how were they?

  2. I don’t mind red light sometimes, but it tends to wash out the details and become like a monotone image. But that can be striking sometimes. I’m quite happy with the two red shots here.
    The band was great, they really give a lot in the performance. It’s just the two of them stalking the stage accompanied by a drum machine. I’m not a real fan of the venue though, it felt a little school hall like.

  3. I really dig that first one, although i’d be tempted to remove the blue light.

  4. Really? The blue light makes it all the more interesting to me. Almost gives it a feeling of isolation, alone underneath the spotlight. Plus it makes a nice contrast to the red.

  5. yep the blue light makes it. breaks it away from all the other red and black band shots. nice dan.

  6. Yeh, it comes down to personal taste i guess, but the blue light just breaks the red and black perfection IMHO.
    On the other hand, removing the blue could make it just look a b&w photo that was made red via photoshop. Either way, it’s a great shot.

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