Cog, Shihad and the BDO crowd


Finally, the end of my Big Day Out posts.

The last two rock acts on the bill were Cog and Shihad. By this stage i was rather knackered from taking photos for 12 hours straight. My arms were shaking from lifting up the camera all day with it’s weighty lens. But i figured i ought to take the opportunity to photograph as much as possible so I snapped a few shots before catching the train home.


There’s also some photos of the crowd and general atmosphere of the Big Day Out.

The Big Day Out crowd cools off

And so ends my Big Day Out photo posting.

1 Comment

  1. It’s been a journey! The stage photos are all great of course (really good!) but I completely love some of the crowd collection – esp the one of the nearly empty boiler room, and everyone can relate to the crowd sprayer person 🙂 You seem to manage to engage with the subjects really well also. Great work!!!!

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