Jet on the Yarra


Here’s a few more Jet photos before i forget to post them (here’s the first lot).

Unfortunately i missed the gig when it was played on ABC TV last Saturday.

Jet Jet Jet Jet Jet Jet interviewed by Jay and The Doctor

Looking back through my archives i found this photo i took of Jet in July 2003 and this blog post from May 2004 when i saw Jet at the Castle Hill Tavern.

That was long before i owned an SLR and i was shooting with my little ixus for fun. Everyone’s gotta start somewhere.

Let that be a hopeful lesson to budding photographers. Today you could be a punter photographing a band from the crowd with your crappy point-and-click camera. In the not too distant future you could be paid by their label to photograph them access all areas at their hotel, boating down a river and live on stage.

I’d never have believed it if it didn’t happen to me.


  1. Dont worry about missing the show on Saturday night, it was the most irritating thing i have ever seen/heard. Nic’s vocals sounded like a wino who’d just drunk some hydrochloric acid.
    I had to turn it off it was so awful.
    the photos however, are very cool. Would have been an interesting day for you!
    missing you!

  2. Funny enough though Daniel, as your photos of Jet have got cooler and more ‘phisticated, Jet themsleves, and the people watching them (at least what I see in the photos) have totally blanded out. I know which of these gigs I would have preferred to be at 🙂

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