3 Songs. No Flash – last day today!

3 Songs. No Flash has been a great success so far. The opening night was huge, with hundreds of people pouring through – even long after 320 beers and 7 bottles of wine had been drunk. Yesterday afternoon we had a steady stream of people come through – with a few more prints sold.

Thanks so much to everyone who has come to see 3 Songs. No Flash. It made me very proud to see so many friends, family and strangers come along.

I didn’t actually take any shots at the opening while the room was heaving, but i will take some shots of the space today, before it all gets packed up again.

I’ll do fuller de-brief with pictures once i get some more time.

Thanks again people – the stress, money and hard work has paid off.


  1. Man it was PACKED in there on friday. Glad the entire weekend went well Dan.

  2. Hey Dan, just wondering.. Did you have to ask for permission from the bands to sell/exhibit those photos??

  3. Olivia – i let some of the local artists know shots of them would be in the show, but i didn’t ask permission to sell or exhibit the photos. I’m still not 100% certain on the legalities of it.
    I picked shots that i took at a shows when i didn’t sign a photo contract. So i didn’t put in any Greenday or Coldplay shots for example. I did put some Iggy Pop at the Big Day Out, but i didn’t sell those, just displayed them.

  4. Congrats again Daniel.
    It was crazy packed in there on Friday night.
    The large canvases looked great.

  5. I couldn’t make it there over the weekend but would be very interested in purchasing a print or two. Would this be a possibility at all in the future?
    I’m glad the event evovled so well 🙂

  6. Leah – yeah, now i’ve had some experience with printing photos i’ll be happy to sell more prints in the future.
    We’ll soon re-configure the website, hopefully with a gallery that shows what photos we showed, and instructions on how to buy a print.

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