Splendour photos: Sonic Youth, Van She, The Zutons


  1. I reckon they’re kinda big, but if you changed their sizes then all the vertical ones wouldn’t look right with your blog layout.
    The big ones look nice when they fill up my browser screen. 🙂

  2. Fine as they are Dan. Having them larger gives them more life, more of an impact imho. And who doesn’t have broadband these days?

  3. Keep ’em big. They’re so darn pretty it’s worth the wait if someone has a little ol’ modem.

  4. Great pics as usual Dan, maybe just a lil too large 🙂

  5. The pics are AWESOME large!! keep it up!
    These bands are larger than life so it really captures the intensity of their performances etc! I want these blown up to AO for my office yeew!

  6. I Neva New Thr Was Some Called Sonic!

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