Farewell Sydney

Eastern Suburbs beaches

I set sail tomorrow afternoon for San Francisco on the first leg of the Boudist USA tour.

As a reminder, my schedule looks like this:

  • March 5-8 : San Francisco
  • March 8-19 : Austin
  • March 19-21 : Las Vegas
  • March 21-29 : New York

I still have a backlog of stuff to post here – Big Day Out photos, Laneway Festival plus photo shoots for Sparkadia, Expatriate, The Camels, The Good Intentions and Operator Please. Hopefully time alone in airports and whatever else will give me the chance to catch up.

Missing you already.



  1. Have fun, which will be easy I’m sure. I would love to be in Austin. SXSW will be amazing.

  2. Have a fantastic trip Dan. See you at The Great Escape festival.

  3. safe trip boud!
    good to see you yesterday – rock out at SXSW for me.

  4. ‘Boudist USA tour’ lol! I like it. Have an awesome and safe trip Dan.

  5. Have a blast mister. All the best and my love to KB when you see him.

  6. Heat and frazzledness I forgot to wish you yesterday to have a good trip! Snag some pretty photos and have a ball.

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