It’s been a while since i’ve done party photos, but i was doing some last week and it reminded me of the ugly phenomenon of the munted punter.
The common traits generally seem to be: male, silly hand gesture, often wearing a hat, teeth clenched, overly eager to be photographed.
And I often wonder how you manage to get a gallery with as few (none?) of these pics as possible!
I guess you’d have to make a stand and really demand people not to look stupid.
Well usually i’d avoid people looking like this. And even if i did take a photo of them i’d not publish it. So this is kind of like out-takes.
I could say the phrase “munted punters” all day.
Try selling em a t shirt…
Jules: Try selling em a t shirt…
“what colour would you like”
*points at display* “one of them”
“which one”
“any… hang on, EH MACCA – WHICH COLOUR?”
“I dunno Bazza, what colours are there?”
… and so on
aaah the “munted punters” – best definition for the summer festival season 😉
if the munted punter has at least one purpose in the music scene – it’s that they service our amusement in the social pages and blogs likes yours Dan.
(BTW I think I saw Cybele at the airport today)
Given the lead singer of one of the bands I shoot has been known to put roast chickens, fruit and a bible with a hole drilled through it down his pants, munted punters are the least of my worries!