This Friday night some of my photos will be on show beside the work of illustrator/designers Greedy Hen and Kareena Zerefos at World Bar in Kings Cross.
I’m extremely humbled to be in their company because they’re amazing women who do world class work that i’m a huge fan of. Plus they can draw, which alongside singing is one of those talents i’m terribly bad at and thus have great admiration for those who do it well. PLUS they’re drop dead gorgeous. Knockouts on all fronts.

The glue that binds us for this show is our work in the music world. Greedy Hen have done album covers, tour posters and videos for many of your favourite artists like Bill Callahan, Cloud Control, Holly Throsby, Josh Pyke and The Panics.

Kareena is a similarly talented illustrator who does lovely nostalgic drawings. I saw a show of hers at the MTV gallery last year which was filled with beautiful drawings of children, animals and other things. It sometimes walks a line somewhere between twee and creepy – in a good way. She’s also made album covers for Bob Evans, Sparkadia and John Steel Singers.

Now me? I can’t draw, so i’m going to show some of my photos. Not just any old photos mind you but NEVER BEFORE SEEN secret photo project photos that i took in March over the weekend of the My Filthy Riot festival at The Annandale.

I set up a little mobile studio upstairs and whenever i got the chance would drag a band up and take their photo. All the photos were taken with the same setup, no pre-planned concepts, no fuss, just whatever popped into our heads. I probably spent about a minute with each act and all up i shot about 25 bands over the weekend.

I was a bit tired of shooting bands where everything is overthought and you have to deal with layers of management, labels, approvals, contracts, egos and restrictions. So i thought i’d keep it simple, go back to my roots and shoot some up and comers fast and furious.
The show on Friday will feature my favourite 10 photos of artists including Philadelphia Grand Jury, Lions at Your Door, No Art, The Scare, Aleesha Dibbs, Fait Accompli, Ghosts of Television, The Spirits, The Amazing Philips Sisters and fashion designers FTW. That is if the prints turn out nicely from the printer tomorrow.

I don’t really know what to expect, but this won’t be like a regular art show, it’s at a nightclub/bar on a Friday night in Kings Cross for starters. But if you have the willpower to ignore the dickheads who infest the Cross on a Friday night then do come by, have a drink and see some ART.
There’ll also be live performances from Villains of Wilhem, The Vignettes, Allies and Underlights. If you come by around 8pm you may also aurally witness me DJing whatever the hell i feel like.
Normally you have to pay to get into this thing on a Friday, but if you leave a comment below or RSVP on Facebook by Friday lunchtime, you’ll get your name on the door and waltz past the shmucks queuing and paying to get in.
Kicks off at 8pm, this Friday at World Bar, 24 Bayswater Rd Kings Cross.
Congratulations, it sounds like a great gig. Unfortunately I’m busy on Friday otherwise I’d have loved to have come along.
Good luck with Friday night, sounds like it’ll be a great night.
Did you use a Strobist approcah for your “little mobile studio” or go for the full monobloc experience?
Because i was indoors i had the luxury of AC power. So i used a studio light with a softbox on it.