After many years with the same design and crumbling Movable Type blogging system i’ve just converted my blog to WordPress and a new template.
It’s a work in progress, the design will evolve as i customise it and add more personality. The process all happened in just a day, taking my Sunday out to convert the back-end to WordPress and iron out bugs. I’m sure there’s still more.
If you spot problems or have suggestions or feedback please let me know.
mate – looks great
i’m considering wordpress aswell.
any tips after going thru it?
things like installing in certain directories, caching content, any flickr plugins etc etc?
It was relatively straight forward.
I installed it in a subdirectory while i was testing, then moved to the root directory when i was confident it was all looking ok.
I haven’t looked at caching content or Flickr integration. But there appears to be a plugin for just about anything you can think of.
These magazine layouts are all the rage for WordPress users and they work really well, especially when you have as much photography content as you do Dan. Nice one.
I’d love a new Boudist logo at the top to cap it all off 🙂
Yes, a custom logo is definitely in order. On the to do list.
Love the new design – very clean! Fits your picture style very much. Though I’d like the links to not be blue but white on black or grey on white – but that’s just personal preference.
Re: Logo: I always figured that the “boudist” writing in the previous design was a good “logo”. Clean and simple. It’s missing in the new design…
I love it, Dan! Very clean, professional and 2.0-ish. I agree with Katrin that the last blog’s title design makes a great logo.
I’ve been looking for modular magazine style templates too, to merge all my stuff into one place, but through movable type. Looking through the Graph Paper Press site I think I might just migrate everything to wordpress. Great options there, lovely versatile designs and exactly what I’ve been looking for.
Hi Daniel,
the new Layout is great! Especialy the big flash intro works very well for your pictures. Congrats!
Look’s super intergalactic light speed awesome.
Hey Dan
Glad you’ve finally given up on MT and seen the light 😉 What are you currently using for displaying images/thumbs on here?
Tantan noodles is good for flickr integration, no need for double uploads 😉 Although that may not work so well with your private/public flickr system. If you work out something good for it lemme know eh.
Hey Kristen,
The images are displayed using the built in system in wordpress. I haven’t installed any extra plugins for that, except one to display some exif data and another to add a watermark.
there’s a watermark plugin?! omg.
Ive just wet my pants looking at your page … its just awesome