Last month i took photos of three of the bands participating in General Pants Major Label intiative.
They were Made in Japan, Underlights and Guineafowl.
Like some other brands before them, General Pants is getting involved in the music scene and has started a record label to promote unsigned bands. They sign them up for one single and release that with all royalties going back to the band.
I was asked to shoot promo style shots of three of the acts while they were decked out in some clothes from General Pants.

I wanted some consistency across the different bands. So i had two set-ups that were the same – full band lined up on a white wall, then that same white wall, but lit with some coloured gels and playing with shadows.

After the studio photos i took each band for a wander to get some shots elsewhere.

With Underlights we were taking some pictures outside a church in Darlinghurst. I was trying to keep everyone quiet because i feared if someone inside heard  us we’d be shoo’d away.
Sure enough, an elderly gent poked his head out the door asking what we were doing. But rather than ask us to leave, he invited us inside.
So we took a couple of shots indoors too.

By the time Made in Japan got to the studio we were running out of time, so rather than leave the studio we just went to the roof for an open air shot.

For Guineafowl we walked to a nearby children’s playground. By this time it was completely dark and i needed light. Â My lights need mains power, so we knocked on the door of a house near the park and asked the owner if they minded us borrowing their power for 5 minutes. They kindly agreed, and so there was light.
You can see the photos mixed with some other photos i took that day on the General Pants website.
These are amazing Dan! I saw them on the site, not knowing they were yours, and saved the coloured gel shot ha ha
Aw shucks! Thanks Caro.
I love how the photos in the playground look like they were shot in a studio!
Its great that you have the b&lls to knock on doors to get the shot you want!