While Cybele and i were on holidays, a couple of photos we took of each other were part of an exhibition put on by Vice and sponsored by Bonds. It was held at Luxe Studios in Darlinghurst and by the looks of it proved popular.
It was for of a project that Vice initiated for Bonds where they got creative couples and friends to photograph each other. The only brief apart from that was that you had to wear clothes from Bonds new unisex range.
As is my way i procrastinated about it until the last minute and we both had a bit of a freakout the day before the pictures were due trying to work out what to do. There was also crises of confidence as we realised that we’re much happier behind the camera rather than in front.
After several aborted set ups and abandoned ideas we decided on the style you see above.
It’s a technique that Cybele had used in a previous fashion shoot.

More photos and coverage at the Vice/Bonds made2share site, Pedestrian and Oyster.
great and once more great.Now I know how much iI have to learn.Thanks