As a teenager i would take pleasure in reading my sister’s Girlfriend and Dolly magazines. At that impressionable age these mags are like your bible. They taught me all i needed to know about girls, for better or worse.
So while it’s exceedingly daggy to get a mention on a topic like blogging, i’m still quite chuffed.
I offered up some tips on blogging, they’re fairly commonsense, but are worth being reminded of.
- Write about something you’re passionate about; your enthusiasm will come through in the blog.
- Keep it fun! Blogging shouldn’t be hard work and you’ll be more inclined to update regularly if it doesn’t feel like a school assignment.
- Make your posts short and to the point; readers will get bored if your blog is full of wishy-washy rants.
- Update a few times a week. If you want readers to keep coming back, it’s good to regularly have new posts up.
- Take care with what you write – it may come back to haunt you.
- Engage with other bloggers; link to them and leave meaningful comments on their sites.
In that spirit of linking to other bloggers – my pal Elmo is blogging again. Go say hi, lest she get bored and stop. And if you’re looking for other blogs to read check out my blogroll. It’s not always up-to-date, but there’s lots in there.
I dont actually remember ever buying a Dolly or Girlfriend, they just seemed to appear around the house…Dan?
Well i never bought them, you must’ve got them from somewhere?!
as a long-term subscrber to this publication, i can’t tell you how delighted i was to see your little article. can you get some pics in next time?
“Engage with other bloggers; link to them and leave meaningful comments on their sites.”
I feel that you have done well on this, Dan.
Now, please send a signed copy of that Dolly to me!! I feel you are becoming far too famous for me to ignore the fact any longer đŸ˜‰
“Update a few times a week. If you want readers to keep coming back, it’s good to regularly have new posts up.”
*hangs head in shame*
That is pretty cool.
Where else can you go after this?
You go, girlfriend.
I totally saw u in Girlfriend! I think I had seen the site a couple of sites, and this is gonna sound really gay but seeing it in Girlfriend added it to my bookmarks.
I have been reading your blog for quite some time and over time have noticed it grow and grow in popularity. Congratulations.
how much are signed copies?
so that’s where all my girlfriend and dolly mags disappeared to!
i left them in the house of boud.
nice work, scarecrow.
so happy to be part of the boudist empire right now.
Look at all the love you’re getting now that you’re famous! And a Marie Claire shoot as well? *James gets jealous*
This is awesome man! Actually I know your friend Shaon and when I read your blog it inspired me to start mine!
I think it’s great your getting that kind of notice. Nicely done. I hope to get there eventually, but for now i’m just going to keep writing.
Thanks for the love people. Y’all are the reason i keep this malarkey up.
Sweet bird of youth, Daniel Boud.
Now you have the tween set in your grasps, what ever are you going to do with the power?
You are an inspiration to us all.