Young and Restless (again)

Young and Restless

One could be mistaken for thinking this has become a Young and Restless fansite, i’ve plugged them several times already. Plus a giant picture of lead singer Karina featured prominently in my photo show.

I guess i got their attention because they asked me to take some press shots for them. The weekend before last i went into a studio and took some snaps. I’ve got a whole bunch, but here’s a couple as a taster. I’ll post more later on.

Young and Restless

They’re pretty damn easy to photograph, all young and attractive and full of personality. No doubt people will begin to pick off their favourite member. I like how they describe themselves of comprising the "token emo, token chick, token rocker, token asian, token fag". Take your guesses at who’s who.

As usual, many thanks to Cybele and Blue Murder Studios for the help and facilities.

The buzz surrounding the band shows no signs of letting up. They’re one of the featured artists on triple j’s Unearthed and were profiled on jtv. Plus they just got a link off Fluxblog – one of the biggest mp3 blogs around.


  1. what kind of lighting did you use for these? It looks really nice and bright! I have to do something similar to this for my faculty gallery.. But with 250 individual people.. *dies*

  2. They were standing on a cyclorama, so it’s a nice big space with all white walls.
    There was 4 lights used for these white background shots, 2 bounced off the roof to light the wall and provide some diffuse light, plus 2 more in front of the band with softboxes on.
    Again, i have to give Cybele props for the lighting help.

  3. Did you tell them who bought the pic from the show? 🙂

  4. I just noticed that those photos match the colour scheme of my blog. How fitting.

  5. ok totally lame, but i’m willing to play along! from left to right- asian, fag, chick, rocker, emo
    do i win??

  6. Good Lord they’re getting huge. Karina’s a cracking businesswoman, tho, and a delightful lady. They better not forget who took photos of them in Fitzroy when no one else was at the bar!

  7. saw this morning that these 2 shots are in today’s Canberra Times entertainment liftout ‘Fly’.
    1 shot made the cover and the other is on the 2 page main spread. nice work.

  8. Oh cool. I’ll have to see if i can find a copy. Thanks for the heads up.

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