It was presented by Kirin and Ksubi and featured several Japanese performance artists.
All very odd, very fashionable, very Japanese.
Japanese performance artists KathyKathy performed in this see-through tent filled with doves and feathersKathy reflect on their performanceThe foyer at CarriageworksTrippple NippplesTrippple NippplesMademoiselle Yulia did a DJ setGeorge and Dan from Ksubi
I was shooting for Kirin. Can you tell?Daito Manabe performed with electrodes attached to their face which spasmed in time with the music
George and Dan from Ksubi
Trippple Nippples
I was shooting for Kirin. Can you tell?
Daito Manabe performed with electrodes attached to their face which spasmed in time with the music
Daito Manabe – these guys had electrodes strapped to their faces that triggered in time with the music