The star of the video is this chap and his jacket of speakers. It was made by Melissa Fallshaw.
The fellas from Art vs Science make a brief cameo in the clip as dancing construction workers
Art vs ScienceFor the gearheads. It was all shot on the Canon 1D Mark IV with this camera rig.Some clues to what the Magic Fountain is all aboutThe mad professor in his workshopArt vs Science
Director: Alex Roberts
Producer: Camilla Dehnert
DOP: Tim Tregoning
Art Direction: Melissa Fallshaw & Petta Chua
Make-up: Emily Sarks
Editor: Alex Roberts
Visual FX: Fuel
Visual FX: Darren Arbib
Grade: Nick Fogarty
The mad professor in his workshop
Some clues to what the Magic Fountain is all about
Art vs Science
Art vs Science
The fellas from Art vs Science make a brief cameo in the clip as dancing construction workers
The camera rig. It was shot on the Canon 1D Mark IV.